Meeting of the Managing Committee of European Property Federation

(Bruxelles, 13 – 14 Oct 2011)

Proposal for a Directive on Energy Efficiency

The primary amendments proposed by EPF:

  • Energy audits should be performed once every 6 years instead of 3 years, in order to ensure coordination with the renovation cycle of buildings (Amendment to Art. 7)
  • Subject the smart metering requirements to technical feasibility and cost-effectiveness safeguards (Amendment to Art. 8(1)
  • The requirements for planning for efficiency in heating and cooling should not cover new residential zones and should promote competition between alternative energy supply systems rather than buttress district heating monopolies (amendment to Art. 10(1))
  • Model contracts for energy performance contracting should be extended to the private sector, as abuse is even more likely there. Including a provision for a list of penalties for energy service companies failing to achieve guaranteed energy savings would help prevent the problems that have arisen between ESCOs and clients. (Art. 14)

For more details about this initiative, please consult The Proposal for a EU Directive on Energy Efficiency Position Paper of EPF