Managing Building Maintenance

1-day course

May 10, 2012

Venue: Ramada Nord Hotel, Bucharest

Organised by RABO Academy and BIFM Training, the training arm of The British Institute of Facilities Management

  • Benefit from the experience of leading UK experts in FM
  • Understand the value of a professional approach to facilities management
  • Improve your knowledge and skills of best practice tools and techniques
  • Network with other FM professionals, and share your ideas and experience

Please download here the application form. For registrations and further details about the programme, please contact our representatives at+40214034120.


To give Facilities Managers the knowledge to manage their building maintenance responsibilities effectively


By the end of this course you will be able to describe:

The scope of building maintenance issues

How to anticipate problems and manage planned & preventative maintenance programmes both inside and outside the building

The signs and potential costs of poor design and neglect

When to commission structural and condition surveys

Key lease commitments and how to meet obligations of a full repairing lease

How to evaluate a prospective building

How to predict running costs


Failure to detect faults before taking a building or neglecting to maintain it during occupation can prove very costly and damaging and might also be in breach of the Lease. Flooding, dampness, subsidence, structural damage or decay plus the presence of dangerous substances are typical problems. A highly experienced building surveyor takes delegates step-by-step through checking condition, anticipating problems and planned maintenance techniques.

Course content

Signs and cost of poor design and neglect

Life Cycle Costing and predicting running costs

Building certification and the Part L Regulations

Dealing with ‘DDA’, ‘asbestos’, ‘fire’, and ‘health & safety’ issues

Lease commitments, service charge issues and dilapidations

Fabric maintenance: external structure and cladding

Surveying building services installations

Environmental issues

Service charge issues

Structural audits and Structural and Condition Surveys

Obsolescence and depreciation

Planned and preventative maintenance