How could Romania attract more investors in the real estate market?

Perhaps the most important advantages that Romania has in the context of the European real estate market, in order to attract foreign investors, are represented by the market and location. There are also the advantages related to the resources and the high qualified labor force at competitive prices. talked on this subject with three of the most important European Property Federation (EPF) representatives: Liviu Tudor, Founder and President of the Romanian Association of Building Owners and Vice-president of the EPF, with John Frederiksen, President EPF and with Reinhold Lennebo, Chairman of the Managing Committee EPF.

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Markets to watch – Emerging trends in Real Estate 2017 ®

As we are approaching the New Year, the top 30 real estate markets to watch in 2017 have been announced in the Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2017 report published by PwC and Urban Land Institute. The report provides an outlook on real estate investment and development trends, real estate finance and capital markets, cities, property sectors and other real estate issues throughout Europe. Considering the emerging trends going into 2017, it’s important to look the moves ahead in the fascinating and competitive field that is the real estate industry. [Read more…]

Romania Profile: The real-estate market

The current issue explores two topics: the first focuses on an interview regarding the Romanian real-estate market published to an UK Real Estate publication. The second subject addresses the Habitat III New Urban Agenda, draft outcome document for adoption in Quito, Ecuador, in October 2016.

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Challenging topics at European Level

There are two current challenging topics at the European Level. The first topic focuses on age-friendly housing. Given the changing demographics of  Europe society, there is an increased need for housing solutions that will support independent living of an aging population. The second topic addresses the new EU targets for greenhouse gas emissions and how countries should share binding greenhouse gas emission reductions up to 2030.

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The recourse and the non-recourse mortgage. Comparison between the Europe and US

The recourse and the non-recourse of a mortgage decides the extent of the lenders’ ability to collect upon default of the borrower. In a recourse mortgage the lender can collect the debt from the borrower’s unsecured personal assets and from his future income. On the other hand, in a non-recourse mortgage the lender is restricted to the secured asset. He can foreclose, repossess the house, sell and collect the proceeds. [Read more…]

Toward a new Energy Performance of Buildings Directive

The European Commission announced a revised European Performance of Buildings Directive to be part of the Energy Efficiency Package, expected to be discussed in autumn 2016.  This is an important document because it summarises recommendations that would make the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive more effective in improving the energy performance of European buildings, while enabling Member States to develop and implement ambitious policies.

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