European Semester 2018 Real Estate Results: Country Report

Introduced in 2010, the European Semester, or ‘EU Economic Governance’, is the annual process by which, on the basis of European Commission analysis, the EU member countries coordinate their economic policies throughout the year and address the economic challenges facing the EU to contribute to the financial stability and economic health of the Union.

Each year, the Commission undertakes a detailed analysis of each country’s plans for budget, macroeconomic and structural reforms. It then provides EU governments with country-specific recommendations for the next 12-18 months.

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Building and Maintaining Positive Working Relationship – The Key To Successful FM Service Delivery

The ability to increase service productivity and team performance is a growing challenge for Facilities Managers across all organisations, argues Steve Gladwin, Director of Nodus Solutions and the course leader for the next Quadrilect training course in Bucharest on 24th September 2018.

During this RABO Academy training program, Steve will explore how the role of the FM is evolving to meet changing commercial and organisational demands, and how adopting a more collaborative approach can deliver significant benefits in the delivery of FM services.

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A European retail sector fit for the 21st century

Retail is the second largest EU service sector after financial services, generating 4.5% of the value added in the EU economy and providing 8.6% of all jobs in the EU. EU households spend up to one-third of their budgets in retail shops. Retail is also a major driver for innovation and productivity. Through its interactions with other economic sectors, a better performing retail sector can trigger positive spill-over effects for the entire economy. Fewer restrictions in retail mean higher productivity in manufacturing. A more efficient retail sector can offer consumers lower prices which creates more demand and steers producers towards more innovative goods.

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Making the EU Work for Romanian Real Estate

The property industry is part and parcel of the wider economy, and property business success is largely about tailoring investment projects to future economic trends. However, that doesn’t mean that property investors need to be just passive risk takers. The future is not out of our hands. Indeed, the main purpose of organised real estate is to be a player in the political process that helps shape the economy. For real estate, that ‘economy’ is increasingly the EU. Though real estate is by its nature subject to national and sub-national regulation, the levers of macro-economic policy are shifting to the EU. Global investors and analysts increasingly think in terms of asset allocation to the EU and Romanian real estate has to demonstrate comparative advantage in that context.

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