Airbnb accedes to all of the European Commission’s demands

The European Commission announced that, as a result of negotiations with Airbnb, the platform has improved and fully clarified the way it presents accommodation offers to consumers, which is now in line with the standards set in EU consumer law.

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RABO and MOREANU Law Study results: Success rate and average period of PUZ or PUD approval – conclusions!

During any construction building stages, whether block of apartments, office buildings or even houses, prior to obtaining a building permit, the developer/owner is in certain situations obliged to obtain a Zonal Urban Plan (P.U.Z.) or a Detailed Urban Plan (P.U.D.).

These urbanism documentations are changing/amending/detailing the existing regulations under the General Urban Plan (P.U.G.) which allow the real estate construction to be performed according to the developer’s/owner’s intention.

A general problem prior to preparing, submitting and approving a building permit refers to the success rate and the average approval period of a PUZ or PUD.

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Industry Top Trends 2019 – European Homebuilders and Developers

Improving economic conditions across continental Europe, including falling unemployment and higher consumer confidence in the face of moderate inflation, should continue to support revenue growth for developers in 2019. The housebuilding industry is at the moment under a significant paradigm shift, as new trends pop up in the sector on a constant basis. In EMEA, the outlook is generally stable with new-build and presale indicators benefitting from the current upturn in the European economy.

Here’s a look at some of the factors that could affect the industry based on S&P Global Ratings.

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Developing Service Standards and KPIs

Performance measurement is an area to which companies have paid much attention lately. In a facilities management context, there is a wide range of choices in measuring facility management performance reflecting the diverse nature of the field.

While performance measurement once focused primarily on operations, this has gradually extended to a life-cycle perspective: from raw materials and resources, to energy efficiency and the final disposition of goods at the end of their useful lives. Facilities Managers need to adapt to more sophisticated approach for data collection and processes, educating owners about the performance of their assets and correlating with stakeholder requirements.

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A wider EU regulatory obligation to renovate

On 28 November 2018, the Commission published a European strategic long-term vision for a climate neutral economy. It highlights the findings of the October 2018 Special Report Global Warming of 1.5°C of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) that disastrous and irreversible impacts will take place as soon as the planet warms by more that 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. Meanwhile, temperatures are already at +1.0°C and increasing at 0.2°C per decade. The Commission concludes that the only way to stay below 1.5°C is for the world to be at net-zero* greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050 and that the EU must lead.
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Communities in Focus – There comes a time when we have to think global and act local. We. The community.

The seventh edition of Cities of Tomorrow, organized by the German-Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (AHK Romania), will take place on the 26th March 2019 at JW Marriott Bucharest Grand Hotel and will be dedicated to communities, the business community as well as the civil society, and the importance of their engagement in the sustainable development of regions and cities.

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